Dental emergencies are unexpected problems that occur within your mouth. For instance, if your tooth has recently been knocked out, you should certainly contact your dentist immediately. At Lovett Dental Missouri City, we’re proud to provide our patients with the help they need to maintain their beautiful smiles. To learn more about our services or to make an appointment, please contact Lovett Dental Missouri City today at 281-969-5099.
What Are Dental Emergencies?
A dental emergency is a condition where damage has been done to your teeth. Perhaps you fractured your tooth during a rousing touch football game. Maybe your teeth have become impacted. Each of these problems may lead to emergency dental visits. Fortunately, at Lovett Dental Missouri City is equipped to manage each dental emergency. To determine whether you’re experiencing an emergency or whether you can wait for the next available appointment, ask the following questions:
- Are you experiencing severe pain or bleeding? Both of these problems can signify a dental emergency.
- Has the tooth come out of place or out of your mouth? Call your dentist immediately. If you act quickly, your dentist should be able to put the tooth back into place?
- Have your teeth become loose? As an adult, you shouldn’t expect to lose teeth. This signifies a major problem.
- Do you notice swelling and pain in your gums? If so, this could indicate an infection or abscess, which could be life-threatening. Call your dentist immediately if you notice these symptoms
In short, if you’re experiencing a dental problem that requires treatment to stop your bleeding, save a tooth, or alleviate pain, you’re having a dental emergency. If you are experiencing many of the symptoms listed above, it’s vital to go to an emergency dentist as soon as possible. Doing so could save your smile, and, in severe cases, possibly your life.
What Conditions Are Not Considered Dental Emergencies
If you can wait for a few days to see your dentist, it probably is not a dental emergency. However, it is sometimes difficult for a person to determine whether their problem is severe enough to wait for the next available appointment.
For instance, if you’ve cracked or chipped one of your teeth, you may wonder if this constitutes an emergency. If the crack has left a sharp fragment behind or it is quite painful, then it may damage the rest of your mouth. This situation would be a dental emergency. However, if you’ve chipped the tooth but it doesn’t hurt, you can wait for the next available appointment. Similarly, if you’re experiencing a toothache that hasn’t swollen or isn’t accompanied by a high fever, you’re probably not dealing with a dental emergency.
Another common dental problem we see is losing a crown or filling. In most cases, you can wait to see your dentist. You may try to temporarily bond the filling using denture adhesive. However, please don’t use superglue to fix your tooth. If you’re unsure about whether you’re experiencing a dental emergency, please reach out to our dentists at Lovett Dental Missouri City today.
Contact Lovett Dental Missouri City Today
What is a dental emergency? If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, such as that posed by a loosened or lost tooth, call Lovett Dental Missouri City today. Our caring and friendly dental staff will schedule an appointment to get you in as soon as possible. We provide excellence in dental care for patients in Houston and the surrounding areas. Some of the services we offer include:
Call us today at 281-969-5099 for more information. Get the smile you have wanted today.