When was the last time you had a check-up for your oral health? A dental check-up may be something you put off during quarantine because going to the dentist did not seem like an essential requirement. Yet, while you may put off this type of preventative visit for a few months, we cannot recommend waiting any longer for the dental check-up you need. Schedule an appointment with Lovett Dental Missouri City at 281-969-5099 for a dental cleaning and check-up now.
Putting Off a Dental Check-Up Is Not Ideal
When it comes to your check-up needs, waiting is a problem. The goal of preventative dental care is to pinpoint issues as soon as they start happening. If we cannot do that effectively, they can quickly snowball into irreversible problems for your oral health. What’s most important is to ensure that we are removing as much plaque and debris buildup as well.
What can happen when you do put off a dental check-up? It’s hard to know what will happen in your situation, but here are some examples of what may occur.
- Cavities can develop rapidly
- Plaque builds up at the gum line and on the tooth
- Tooth decay worsens quickly
- Periodontal disease develops and worsens
- Problems with dentures, tooth pain, and infections get out of control
Many things can go wrong during any amount of time when you lack dental care. Our team is happy to help you to get your dental care caught up.
With a simple check-up, you can come in and get the care you need. When this happens, you can ensure that your preventative health needs are met.
Have you put off getting the care you need for things like missing teeth, braces, or veneers? You do not have to do this any longer. Your dentist is doing everything we can to ensure it is safe for you to get the oral care you need to keep your smile healthy.
Don’t Put Off Your Dental Cleaning Any Longer
Even though you may still be in quarantine or might be working to minimize your exposure to COVID-19, you still need to take care of your teeth. The good news is that we are doing everything we can to help ensure your smile is healthy and well cared for during this time while also working to prevent any exposure to the coronavirus. We are doing that with enhanced cleaning measures, mask-wearing, and social distancing appointments.
You can feel good about coming in for a check-up with us right now. When you do call for a dental cleaning or dental check-up, we will talk to you about what you can expect. Most of our services, including cosmetic dentistry, are available to you.
Choose the Preventative Care Series You Need During a Check-up
When you come in to see us for a dental check-up, let us make recommendations for your oral care needs. We have the ability to help you have the smile you love and want to have without all of the frustrations of worrying about quarantine. How can our team help to improve your oral health with a check-up? Here are some of the services you may want to learn more about when you give us a call at Lovett Dental Missouri City:
- Dental cleaning services
- Cosmetic dentistry services
- Pediatric dentistry services
- Emergency dental services
- Periodontal disease treatment
Don’t Wait to Schedule an Appointment with Lovett Dental Missouri City
Do not put off your dental check-up any longer. Instead, schedule an appointment and check-up with Lovett Dental Missouri City today. You can come in for a preventative appointment and dental cleaning now to improve your smile. Call Lovett Dental Missouri City at 281-969-5099 or reach out to us online.